kagi - Intermittent issues regarding blank results pages – Incident details

Intermittent issues regarding blank results pages

Partial outage
Started about 1 month agoLasted about 3 hours


Kagi Search

Operational from 10:13 PM to 1:35 AM

[Search] us-east4

Operational from 10:13 PM to 1:35 AM

[Search] us-west2

Operational from 10:13 PM to 1:35 AM

[Search] europe-west2

Operational from 10:13 PM to 1:35 AM

[Search] asia-east2

Operational from 10:13 PM to 1:35 AM

[Search] us-central1

Operational from 10:13 PM to 1:35 AM

  • Resolved

    We believe that this incident should be resolved at this time.

    If the issue persists for you, please ensure a hard refresh of the page using (CTRL+SHIFT+R) to refetch the assets.

    Thank you!

  • Investigating

    We are currently investigating this incident.

    If you issue a hard refresh of the page (ctrl+shift+r is the typical shortcut), this should resolve the issue for you.

    We are working to see what we can do to resolve this without that requirement.